A Common Disaster
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Treading Water. Kinda.
I'm here. Still. Will be continuing the neverfckingendingsaga that is my life, and my attempt to process it here and make sense of it.

Omg y'all the drama. D R A M A
It never ends. I don't seek it -but apparently my DNA is fertile soil in which it grows because here it damn is. Making its presence known with Authority. Good lord.

I would port over the old blog posts, but I understand that at least one person in the world located the blog by google-ing a word stream from one post. And god forbid any more people from my real life are given even the wee tiniest clue as to finding me again.

That's what happened in ........ can't even type the S-word, although it's tempting. "I'm a'feared", as they say in the South. Well some people somewhere in the south say it.

Anyway, it's late and I'm whipped. Someone in my very real world somehow found my completely anonymous blog of the last FIVE years and shared it with the people I was recently writing about. Or at least some of them. I don't know who started it, and barely who it was shared with, but sweet screaming baby Jesus the horror.

It's all very cloak and dagger, and I have been given very limited information on it - because apparently we are rationing Details Given To Me as if it's g-d WWII. BUT. I have a web stat counter on the old site that gave me very good detail on the location/page views/time spent on what pages/etc. So it's legit that people from both Pastville and Transition were actively reading the old blog a bajillion times over, on Friday the 13th - isn't it ironic alanis?

If it weren't for that web counter, I would be completely doubting this whole story as a fabrication made by G to keep me silent and invisible about the affair(s) in 1995 and 2009-2011. Because me disappearing sure works in his favor right now - y'all would not believe the sh!t that's gone down (the old narrative was only up to fall 2009 when I had to shut down a few weeks back). Hello, it's 2011 - lots of details not even written in the old blog.

AND YET, the person who started this crap knew really really recent things that had not been written in the old blog. Threatened to go to Lucy with it all. G of course was/is denying all things presented to the grave, and you will understand why in time. His web is tangled way more than I had possibly imagined.

My phone still has yet to ring, and that is highly suspect in itself. Lucy would call me if I even sneezed in his direction, and now nothing? Well of course. I never answered the phone before, and now that I'm ready and willing to say hello: nada.

I will figure out how the hell to get all this Crazy chronicled asap. I hope this new blog is locked down and anonymous but who the fcuk knows in today's world? I scanned my PC specifically for keylogger software (I installed one on the husband's computer during his affair - that program is the BOMB if you are on the controlling side of it. Not so much as the recipient. It does not show up in program files or start menu, logs every keystroke made and sends screenshots to your email - so you get exactly what they typed, including passwords). Nothing was infected on my end, although he swears it's on my end that the problem is. You can send this program as an email attachment, so you really don't have to be anywhere near the intended device to get it installed.

But still. If anyone's crap is compromised, it's his, not mine. I'm not the fool living with a lunatic. But I digress.

So, if I'm still in possession of a pass to heaven - much like Charlie with a Golden Ticket to the chocolate factory - my first question to God when I get there is now the burning:
WTF. How? Who? Why?

If I ever get those answered on this side of the pearly gates, it's Lifetime Original Movie time my peeps. I can make my fortune on all this craptastic heartache and call it a day.

Long time readers who ported over: my sincere thanks. Love y'all like crack.
New people who randomly fell across this "new" blog and feel like you landed on an episode of Lost, my apologies. Stick with us if you can. All are welcome - well, not all.

If this new blog is hacked/invaded/raped & pillaged - because I'm NOT SHUTTING UP about this crazyass adventure - I guess we'll know soon enough if the excrement hits the cooling device again.

All aboard!


posted by A Common Disaster @ 7:25 PM  

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